Enrollment Web Development
Certifications Level 1


Basic HTML and CSS

LEVEL 1 Basic HTML and CSS

Basic HTML/CSS! In this introductory course, we will explore the fundamental concepts of web development. We will begin by understanding HTML tags, which form the building blocks of any webpage. With HTML tags, you'll learn how to structure your content and create meaningful elements such as headings, paragraphs, links, images, and more. Moving on, we will delve into the exciting world of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), where we'll discover how to style and enhance the appearance of HTML elements. We will explore various styling techniques, including color, font, size, and layout. Additionally, we'll learn about class and ID attributes, powerful tools that allow you to target specific elements and apply unique styles. So, let's embark on this journey together and unlock the potential of HTML and CSS to create visually appealing and interactive web pages. Get ready to bring your ideas to life!
Exam Coverage
Understanding the purpose and importance of HTML tags in web development. Exploring various HTML tags and their functions, such as headings (h1 to h6), paragraphs (p), links (a), images (img), lists (ul, ol, li), and more. Learning how to properly structure content using HTML tags to create a well-organized webpage. Understanding the hierarchical relationships between HTML elements and how they affect the layout and structure of a webpage.

Introduction to CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and its role in web design. Understanding the different ways of applying styles to HTML elements, such as inline styles, embedded stylesheets, and external stylesheets. Exploring various CSS properties and values to modify the appearance of HTML elements, including color, font family, font size, background, margins, padding, and borders.

Understanding the purpose of class and ID attributes in HTML and CSS. Differentiating between class and ID attributes and knowing when to use each one. Applying class attributes to multiple HTML elements to group them together and apply common styles. Applying ID attributes to uniquely identify specific HTML elements and apply individual styles. Utilizing class and ID selectors in CSS to target and style elements with precision.

Reviewing and familiarizing yourself with a wide range of HTML tags and their usage. Practicing CSS styling techniques by creating and modifying different HTML elements. Understanding the concept of specificity in CSS and how it affects the application of styles. Exploring examples and practical exercises to reinforce your understanding of HTML tags, CSS styling, and the usage of class and ID attributes.

How to evaluate examination ?


Limited understanding of HTML basics, struggles with syntax and structure. Adequate knowledge of HTML fundamentals, can create simple web pages with basic tags and structure. Proficient in HTML, demonstrates a good grasp of tags, attributes, and document structure. Advanced understanding of HTML, capable of building complex web pages, effectively using semantic elements, and optimizing for accessibility.

2. CSS

Limited knowledge of CSS, struggles with applying styles and understanding selectors. Basic understanding of CSS styling, can modify colors, fonts, and basic layout properties. Proficient in CSS, demonstrates competence in using selectors, properties, and applying advanced styling techniques. Advanced CSS skills, able to create complex layouts, responsive designs, and custom animations.

Examination Details

Exam Name Exam WDV-101
Pre-requisites None
Validity Lifetime
Exam Duration 55 minutes
Number of Questions 40 questions
Type of Question Multiple Choice
Passing Score 70%
Cost $17 USD
Languages English