Enrollment Python Institute Certifications


Python Institute Certifications

PCPP1™ – Certified Professional in Python Programming 1 (Exam PCPP-32-10x)

PCPP1™ – Certified Professional in Python Programming 1 certification is the first of the two-series General-Purpose Programming track professional credentials from the OpenEDG Python Institute addressed to developers, IT specialists, and working professionals looking to obtain an industry credential that documents their skills and expertise in the advanced and more specialized aspects of computer programming and the Python language.

PCPP1™ – Certified Professional in Python Programming 1
certification (Exam PCPP-32-10x) is a professional credential that measures the candidate's ability to accomplish coding tasks related to advanced programming in the Python language and related technologies, advanced notions and techniques used in object-oriented programming, the use of selected Python Standard Library modules and packages, designing, building and improving programs and applications utilizing the concepts of GUI and network programming, as well as adopting the coding conventions and best practices for code writing.
The PCPP1™ certification shows
that the individual is familiar with the following concepts: advanced use of classes and modelling real-life problems in the OOP categories (classes, instances, attributes, methods; class and instance data; shallow and deep operations; inheritance and polymorphism; extended function argument syntax and decorators; static and class methods; attribute encapsulation; composition and inheritance; advanced exceptions; copying object data; serialization; metaclasses), best practices and standardization (PEP8, PEP 257, code layout, comments and docstrings, naming conventions, string quotes and whitespaces, programming recommendations), GUI programming (events, widgets, geometry, tools and toolkits, conventions), the elements of network programming (network sockets, client-server communication, JSON and XML files in network communication, HTTP methods, CRUD, building a simple REST client), and file processing and communicating with a program's environment (processing files: sqlite3, xml, csv, logging, and configparser; communication: os, datetime, io, and time).

Examination Details

Exam name PCPP1™ – Certified Professional in Python Programming 1
Exam Code & Current Exam Versions PCPP-32-101 (Status: Active)
Prerequisites PCAP – Certified Associate in Python Programming (Exam PCAP-31-0x)
Validity Lifetime
Exam Duration PCEP-30-02 – Exam: 40 minutes, NDA/Tutorial: 5 minutes
PCEP-30-01 – Exam: 45 minutes, NDA/Tutorial: 5 minutes
Number of Questions 45
Format Single- and multiple-select questions | Python 3.x
Passing Score 70%
Languages English
Cost USD 195 (Exam)
Delivery Channel Pearson VUE: Authorized Pearson VUE Testing Centers + OnVUE Online Proctoring from Pearson VUE OpenEDG Testing Service: 2022 pilot, limited availability
Associated Certifications PCEP – Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer (Exam PCEP-30-0x)
PCAP – Certified Associate in Python Programming (Exam PCAP-31-0x)
PCPP2™ – Certified Professional in Python Programming 2 (Exam PCPP-32-20x)
Become PCPP1™ certified and take your career to the next level

Python is the programming language that opens more doors than any other, and the more you understand Python, the more you can do in the 21st Century. With a solid knowledge of Python, you can work in a multitude of jobs and a multitude of industries. PCPP1™ certification will be particularly valuable for:

learners looking to boost their skills and knowledge for a junior-level and middle-level role as a software developer, network programmer, data analyst, or tester;
industry professionals wishing to explore technologies that are connected with Python, or that utilize it as a foundation;
team leaders, product managers, and project managers who want gain an in-depth understanding of the terminology and processes in the software development cycle to more effectively manage and communicate with production, QA, and development teams.