Linux Institute Certifications In
Web Development Essentials


Linux Web Development Essentials Certifications


Take Your First Steps in Web Development

The majority of contemporary software programs are created for the web. Your first steps in software development are supported by the Web Development Essentials program from the Linux Professional Institute (LPI). It includes educational materials appropriate for both classroom instruction and independent study. You receive a certificate to demonstrate your expertise after passing the Web Development Essentials exam.

The program's objectives cover the key facets of web development. They were created with the intent of having everything required to implement basic web applications. Because of this, the ideal option for practical training and courses is Web Development Essentials of having everything required to implement basic web applications. Because of this, the ideal option for practical training and courses is Web Development Essentials. Candidate self-studies provide them with all the tools they need to implement their first projects successfully right away.

Exam objectives
1. Software Development Basics
The candidate should be familiar with the most essential concepts of software development and be aware of important programming languages.

2.Web Application Architecture
The candidate should understand common standards in web development technology and architecture.

3.HTTP Basics
The candidate should be familiar with the basics of HTTP. This includes understanding HTTP headers, content types, caching, and status codes. Furthermore, the candidate should understand the principles of cookies and their role for session handling and be aware of advanced HTTP features.

4.HTML Document Anatomy
The candidate should understand the anatomy and syntax of an HTML document. This includes creating basic HTML documents.

5. HTML Semantics and Document Hierarchy
The candidate should be able to create HTML documents with a semantic structure.

6. HTML References and Embedded Resources
The candidate should be able to link an HTML document with other documents and embed external content, such as images, videos and audio in an HTML document.

7.HTML Forms
The candidate should be able to create simple HTML forms containing input elements of various types.

8. CSS Basics
The candidate should understand the various ways to style an HTML document using CSS. This includes the structure and syntax of CSS rules.

9. CSS Selectors and Style Application
The candidate should be able to use selectors in CSS and understand how CSS rules are applied to elements within an HTML document.

10.CSS Styling
The candidate should use CSS to add simple styles to the elements of an HTML document.

11. CSS Box Model and Layout
The candidate should understand the CSS box model. This includes defining the position of elements on a website. Additionally, the candidate should understand the document flow.

12. JavaScript Execution and Syntax
The candidate should be able to execute JavaScript files and inline code from an HTML document and understand basic JavaScript syntax.

13. JavaScript Data Structures
The candidate should be able to use variables in JavaScript code. This includes understanding values and data types. Furthermore, the candidate should understand assignment operators and type conversion and be aware of variable scope.

14. JavaScript Control Structures and Functions
The candidate should be able to use control structures in JavaScript code. This includes using comparison operators. Furthermore, the candidate should be able to write simple functions and understand function parameters and return values.

15.JavaScript Manipulation of Website Content and Styling
The candidate should understand the HTML DOM. This includes manipulating HTML elements and CSS properties through the DOM using JavaScript as well as using DOM events in simple scenarios.

16. NodeJS Basics
The candidate should understand the basics of NodeJS. This includes running a local development server as well as understanding the concept of NPM modules.

17.NodeJS Express Basics
The candidate should be able to create a simple dynamic website with the Express web framework. This includes defining simple Express routes as well as serving dynamic files through the template engine EJS.

18.SQL Basics
The candidate should be able to create individual tables in an SQLite database and add, modify and delete data using SQL. Furthermore, the candidate should be able to retrieve data from individual tables and execute SQL queries from NodeJS. This does not include referencing or combining data between multiple tables.

To receive the Web Development Essentials certificate the candidate must:

1.Know the fundamentals of software development, as well as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, and SQL.

Examination Details

Exam Name Exam 030-100
Pre-requisites None
requirements Pass the Web Development Essentials Exam
Exam format 40 questions and must be completed within 60 minutes
Type of Question Multiple Choice
Languages English